
2023 Constance Rooke CNF Prize Contest Judge: Daniel Allen Cox

Daniel Allen CoxDaniel Allen Cox is the author of I Felt the End Before It Came: Memoirs of a Queer Ex-Jehovah's Witness, and four novels nominated for the Lambda Literary, Ferro-Grumley, and ReLit awards. His novel Mouthquake was one of twenty-seven works selected for inclusion in QuébeQueer, a fifty-year overview of queer cultural production in Quebec. Daniel's essays and short fiction have appeared in The Gardian, Electric Literature, Literary Hub, Maisonneuve, Catapult, TriQuarterly, The Rumpus, Fourth Genre, The Advocate, and Best Gay Stories. His essay “The Glow of Electrum,” which appeared in The Malahat Review (issue #211), was nominated for a 2021 National Magazine Award in Personal Journalism and was named a Notable essay in The Best American Essays 2021. "You Can't Blame Movers for Everything Broken," also published in The Malahat Review (issue #219), will be reprinted in Best Canadian Essays 2024.

[photo credit Alison Slattery]