Poetry: |
- Aurian Haller, Song of the Taxidermist
- Karen Hofmann, Damselfly; Bohemian Waxwings
- Helen Humphreys, Auden’s House; Appetite
- Richard Lemm, Retribution; To You, On Our Anniversary, in a Room of Intensive Care; Patriots II: Softening
- Timothy Liu, Romance
- Harold Rhenisch, The Bone Yard
- Adam Sol, Toward an Idea of Citizenship
Reviews: |
- B.W. Powe, The Unsaid Passing (Toronto: Guernica, 2005). Paperbound, 190 pp., $20 (Eric Miller)
- Maria Fiamengo, Visible Living: Poems Selected and New (Vancouver: Ronsdale, 2006). Paperbound,
157 pp., $14.95 (Sara Cassidy)
- Matthew Holmes, Hitch (Roberts Creek, B.C.: Nightwood, 2006). Paperbound, 96 pp., $16.95; Michael Knox, Play Out the Match, Paperbound, 80 pp. (R. W. Gray)
- Joel Des Rosiers, Hugh Hazelton, tr., Vetiver (Winnipeg: Signature, 2005). Paperbound, 134 pp., $14.95 (Steve Noyes)
- Sean Johnston, All This Town Remembers (Kentville: Gaspereau, 2006). Paperbound, 233 pp., $27.95 (Linda Rogers)
- Robert Finley, et al., A Ragged Pen: Essays on Poetry and Memory (Kentville: Gaspereau, 2006). Paperbound, 109 pp., $20.95 (Heather Jessup)
- Contance Rooke, Writing Life: Celebrated and International Authors on Writing and Life (Toronto:
McClelland & Stewart, 2006). Paperbound, 449 pp., $24.99 (Jay Ruzesky)