Conversation with a Friend: Matthew Miller
Matthew Miller became a Friend of The Malahat at our Summer issue launch at the Fernwood Inn this September. Since then he's been enjoying lavish gifts, attention, and now, thanks to Malahat volunteer PJ Grace, fame.
What brought you out to the Summer issue launch of the Malahat Review back in September, and what led you to join the Friends of The Malahat group?
I was invited to the launch by participating writer Danielle Janess, a friend and fellow conspirator. That night she read her German translation of poet Jan Wagner published in Poetry London. I couldn't miss that. If you've heard her read in German - well, let's say that for me there's something special about hearing the source of English root words, they grip tighter and twist a little closer to the core of our language; and though I don't speak German, it resonates. Or that could be just an Old English class coming back to haunt me.
After the readings, the Review's Susan Sanford Blades asked me if I was a friend of The Malahat. Sure, I said. Little did I know once you add capitals to that phrase, a Friend of The Malahat is something Very Different. Friendship includes a subscription, a few special edition back issues, a selection of hand drawn illustrations of previous Malahat event readers. (I chose Jay Ruzesky. He came to one my writing group sessions a few years back.) And. So. Much. More. Even an interview. Go figure.
Read the rest of this interview on our website.
New Friends offer: A draw for two full passes to the Galiano Literary Festival!
All current and new Friends of The Malahat as of December 1, 2012 will be entered into a draw for two full festival passes to the 4th Annual Galiano Literary Festival, February 22-24, 2013! Accomodation is not included, but the passes include full access to all events on Saturday and Sunday February 23-24th, as well as lunch each day. You are also invited to attend the Welcome Reception on the evening of Friday, February 22nd at the Galiano Inn.
Participating authors include Robert Bringhurst, Jan Zwicky, Bill Gaston, Billeh Nickerson, Annabel Lyon, and Kevin Chong. For more information visit the Galiano Lit Fest site.
If you are not currently a Friend, join us before December to be in on the draw! Find out about our Friends group here, and join either by mail-in form, or our online payment system.
Malahat Fall Workshop: Writing the Arts with John Threlfall
Thursday, Nov. 29th
7:00 p.m.
UVic, Fine Arts Building
Room 103
FREE admission
This entertaining and fast-moving talk by a 30-year arts veteran will offer tips on giving good interview, finding untold stories, developing a niche, working with different writing styles, getting creative with your coverage, and writing about art forms outside of your expertise.
More information about the workshop and John Threlfall on our website