Enter the Constance Rooke Creative Nonfiction Prize
Deadline: August 1, 2015 (postmarked)
Prize: $1,000 to one winner
Entry fee:
$35 CAD for Canadian entries
$40 USD for entries from the USA
$45 USD for entries from elsewhere
Additional entries are $15 CAD (from anywhere).
The Malahat's annual CNF Contest is now open!
It's never too early to tell your life story, and we want to hear it. Childhood challenges, mid-life memoirs, octogenary oracles―send them by August 1 and you'll be in the running for $1,000. The lucky essayist will also be interviewed (fame!) and will receive nonfiction book prizes (words!).
The winning memoir will be published in the Winter 2015 CNF-themed issue of The Malahat Review.
This year's judge is Jane Silcott (read her bio online). An interview with Jane, conducted by Christin Geall, will be available to read in the July edition of Malahat lite.
Full contest guidelines available on the Malahat website.
Part-Time Job Opportunity at The Malahat Review

Want to work for one of Canada's most prestigious literary journals?
Later this month, we'll be on the hunt for a Social Media, Marketing & Circulation Manager to work at our University of Victoria office. If you're tech savvy, love social media, and have a keen eye for detail, then we want to hear from you!
This is a permanent, part-time out-of-service (non-unionized) position, 25 hours/week at $16.75/hour, plus 4% vacation pay, no benefits. This job cannot be done remotely; you must live in the Greater Victoria area. Flexible job start date (training mid-August, begin early September).
Applications will be accepted starting June 11. Be sure to bookmark the Opportunities section of our website for upcoming job description and application details.
Fiction Interview: Colin Snowsell in Issue 190
Malahat volunteer Jack Crouch talks with Okanagan College professor Colin Snowsell about sexual exploration and inherent human violence in his story, "Krankowsky."
JC: Do you have any particular influences when it comes to writing short stories? What are the advantages and disadvantages for you personally when writing a short story?
CS: Christopher Hitchens claimed Gore Vidal once told him the three most dispiriting words in the English language were "Joyce Carol Oates." I like to imagine Hitch and Gore guffawing and taking great gulps of brandy while continuing to brandish their deeply learned, deeply sexist, zingers without any regard for consequence, or for the wrath of Oates, a serious mistake to anyone familiar with her work’s reputation for violence.
Read the rest of Colin's interview on the Malahat website.
Poetry Interview: Christine Wiesenthal in Issue 190
Malahat volunteer Melissa Stephens talks with University of Alberta professor Christine Wiesenthal about the mythic and the scientific in her poems, "Staphylococcus" and "Salmonella."
MS: You're both a creative and academic writer. Are these distinctive crafts for you? Does your creative publication history ever influence or shape the direction and venue for your academic publishing?
CW: Are they distinctive? Yes and no, I think! Yes, in the sense that critical/academic writing comes from a more conscious place of intention and deliberation—and usually more systematic research, in advance or alongside the writing. The experience or impulse that feeds creative writing is less predictable. What you think you want to write about, and how, and what you actually do end up writing, and how—they are most often very different things.
Read the rest of Christine's interview on the Malahat website.